== Commands for managing of Cisco 2960G/S and 2924XL switches == === Add user === {{{ config terminal username privilege 15 password enable secret ! line vty 0 15 login local exit exit copy running-config startup-config }}} === Ports and VLANs status === {{{ show interface show interface status show interface summary show vlan }}} === Add port to VLAN === {{{ configure terminal interface FastEthernet 0/1 switchport access vlan 15 exit copy running-config startup-config }}} === Add IP to a VLAN interface === {{{ configure terminal interface vlan ip address 10.42.42. exit copy running-config startup-config }}} === Restore a port that has been err-disabled === First, check which port has been err-disabled: {{{ show interface status show interface Gi0/10 }}} Then enable it again: {{{ enable configure terminal interface Gi0/10 shutdown end write enable configure terminal interface Gi0/10 no shutdown end write }}}