== Machine Setup == 1. Install Ubuntu or Debian - prefer the server version of your chosen Ubuntu or Debian LTS distro 2. Change root password {{{ cslab@machine:~$ sudo su root@machine:~# passwd }}} 3. Update and install necessary packages. If prompted for NIS domain name, enter: sci.nis {{{ root@machine:~# apt update root@machine:~# apt upgrade -y && apt install -y vim git htop dstat nfs-common nis tmux root@machine:~# apt autoremove -y }}} 4. Remove swap {{{ root@machine:~# swapoff -a root@machine:~# rm -v /swap.img }}} 5. Connect the NFS (nemesis is down (3.3), comment it out) {{{ root@machine:~# vim /etc/fstab: # swap -> comment-out /home nfs defaults 0 0 /various nfs defaults,nolock 0 0 # /risky_store nfs nfsvers=3,nolock 0 0 }}} 6. Determine users, passwords, groups {{{ root@machine:~# vim /etc/nsswitch.conf at passwd, group, shadow add: files nis }}} 7. Test if the previous step was successful {{{ root@machine:~# yptest (must read the config) root@machine:~# id ypap (must return user) root@machine:~# ps -ef | grep yp (ypbind.service must be running) }}} If not running: {{{ root@machine:~# systemctl restart ypbind root@machine:~# systemctl list-unit-files | grep yp }}} 8. Root users enter without password {{{ root@machine:~# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config PasswordAuthentication no }}} 9. Connection fix {{{ root@machine:~# vim /lib/systemd/system/systemd-{logind, udevd}.service # comment-out IPAddressDeny=any root@machine:~# systemctl daemon-reload root@machine:~# systemctl restart systemctl-logind root@machine:~# systemctl restart systemctl-udevd }}}